boost your self image

I think most of us have a poor self image at times. I know I have in the past, but as time has gone on, I have come to accept myself. But some people never seem to stop beating themselves up and putting themselves down. They cannot see what others can see;  they think they are not good, whereas other people see them as great! 

Of course, the world also has people that think they are better than they are, and have massive egos. But generally speaking, I believe that there are more people who do not give themselves the credit they should.

There’s a lot you can accomplish by having a positive self-image. Your confidence will increase which means that you can deal with more situations, and not run away from difficult ones. People will respond to your increased self-image in a positive way – you will give off certain vibes that will attract other people.Continue reading

Early this morning I received the phone call that I knew was coming for the past 2 years – the news that my best man had passed away.

He had a stroke a couple of years ago, which unfortunately left him a shadow of the man he was, the man that I loved. After a few tears this morning, I knew that I had to spend the day doing what this post is all about – spending it with my girls having a great time. So off we went to Hastings for a day at the seaside, just enjoying life.
I know he won’t be frowning about this, he’s up there reunited with his other best mate, having a beer and chuckling over some silly jokes. Because they both lived their lives with smiles on their faces, and everyone loved them. They both were so friendly, so helpful to others, and had hearts of gold.Continue reading