So you are interested in reflective practice, and want to learn more about how it can improve your life. But just what are the benefits of reflective practice?

There are many benefits to starting a reflective practice. It can help you transform your life in a range of ways – personally, professionally and emotionally. Here are seven ways that it will change your life.

1. Deepens your understanding of yourself

We are all so busy satisfying all of the demands placed upon us at work and at home that we don’t get enough time to work on ourselves. The kids and your partner are always in need of something, of your time. You will often find that the one thing that gets pushed to the back of the queue is your own needs and interests. Reflective practice is one easy way to improve our lives in only a few minutes a day once we get into the habit.Continue reading

Being productive will help us all achieve more, both in work and our personal lives. So if you are looking to get more done, achieve more in your life, then I recommend the following books for more in depth reading.

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferris

Anyone who wants to become part of the New Rich should read this book. Author Tim Ferris explains how you can work more productively, cut back your working time, and work from anywhere to provide an income that does not rely in the hours that you put in.

Don’t settle for good, aim higher, and with flexibility, so that you can travel the world whilst working a minimal amount of time. To start with, become more effective at your work, not efficient at work that does not matter. Eliminate time wasting, get rid of distractions, get the most important tasks done before lunch.

Ferris then goes on to explain how to set up a business that will be profitable, but with little hands on management from you, by delegating responsibilities whilst still acting professional.

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The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch

Voted by GQ as one of the top 25 business books of the 20th century, you need to read this if you want to achieve more with less effort, free up time, increase profits and be happier. Richard Koch explains the 80/20 Principle – that 80% of your profit comes from selling 20% of your products.

This same principle can be used in many ways – your work tasks are probably 20% worthwhile, and 80% inefficient. 20% of motorists cause 80% of accidents. 20% of your customers buy 80% of your goods. And so on. Note that these figures may not be exact, but the principle is the same.

By doing more of the 20% of tasks, for example, you can become more efficient. Sell more of the 20% of products to the 20% of customers and your profits will rise. It’s definitely something that if you stop and think, you can easily see how it could improve your life.

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reduce stress

Do you find yourself worrying over far too many things? Some people are naturally like this – I am sure you can think of some in your social circle. But it needn’t always be like this. It just takes a bit of training to amend those thought processes.

Many people today are crippled with anxiety. They worry about everything and anything. The high tech, fast-paced society that we live in today is literally toxic to many people and they don’t really realise what is wrong with them. The truth is, it’s a mystery as to why more people aren’t plagued with anxiety – inducing stress. Perhaps some people have developed coping skills to reduce stress that help them get through the day without worrying.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Additional Stress

A lot of worrying is caused by not being prepared. If you often find yourself being worried in the morning about being late, or forgetting something at home, be sure to get prepared as much as possible the night before.Continue reading

As a follow up to my previous post, it was Ray’s funeral yesterday.

I knew Ray through bowls, a sport we played together. Of course, with the age of most people that play bowls, funerals come around far more than you would want. Whilst it is a game that is played by all ages, the majority of players are over 50. However if you look closer you will see players as young as 6, and all ages in between. The majority of top players are in their twenties and thirties. I took it up when I was 19, and have been playing almost 30 years.

The bowl community is a friendly one, and so it was no surprise to see the room packed. There was a smaller side room that was also full, where they showed the service on a big screen. It was good to see the support shown for Ray, and I had the chance to meet up with my old mixed pairs partner who has moved, part-time, to Florida. Her husband grew up with Ray, and throughout their lives they played sport together – football, squash, darts, ten-pin bowling and bowls.Continue reading

Have you ever found yourself invited to an event, maybe a party or business workshop, and have dreaded it ever since receiving the invitation. Maybe you have even avoided going completely, even though the subject is of interest or you know it would be beneficial for you to attend. Well it’s time to face up to your social fears.

Did you know that most people say that they have social anxieties? I know that I often am wary of certain social situations, and I am a LOT better than I used to be. It’s right up there with public speaking as one of the biggest fears. Social fears are one of the most common issues that a lot of people face or claim to face. It may be worse for some than for others, but social fear is a pretty universal issue. For most of us it started in our teenage years. We either learned to cope with it, or it grew into something worse.Continue reading