taking massive action towards goal achievementHappy New Year to you all.

Thank you for sticking by me, and reading this post today. I drifted off towards the end of last year, found myself spread too thinly, and achieving very little. So this year I need to be better – I owe it to you. And I want you to hold me accountable if you see me not giving you what you deserve – if you come here to read my posts, they should be more regular, right? So feel free to give me a kick up the backside!

Of course, that means setting goals. But as I stated last year, I’m not a big fan of setting New Year’s Resolutions – we should not expect that just because the bell chimes midnight and the year ticks over, we can suddenly put to right all the things that we don’t like in our lives. That is just a ludicrous way of thinking.Continue reading

I’m sure you’ve often been asked, or asked yourself, what is your motivation, when tackling a job or task. But what does that mean?


When you ask the question what motivation means to you, it also begs the questions, “Do I believe in motivation” and, “Do I really need motivation?”  In other words, do you believe you need motivation to succeed in your career and personal goals?


The dictionary defines motivation as something that causes a person to act or a method to provide a motive. Motivation comes with many different faces.  Some you may recognize and some you may not.Continue reading