taking massive action towards goal achievementHappy New Year to you all.

Thank you for sticking by me, and reading this post today. I drifted off towards the end of last year, found myself spread too thinly, and achieving very little. So this year I need to be better – I owe it to you. And I want you to hold me accountable if you see me not giving you what you deserve – if you come here to read my posts, they should be more regular, right? So feel free to give me a kick up the backside!

Of course, that means setting goals. But as I stated last year, I’m not a big fan of setting New Year’s Resolutions – we should not expect that just because the bell chimes midnight and the year ticks over, we can suddenly put to right all the things that we don’t like in our lives. That is just a ludicrous way of thinking.Continue reading

Achieve Your Goals

You followed my advice and waited a few weeks before setting goals – no rushed New Year’s Resolutions that have already been dropped. It’s late January 2017. You are looking at the year ahead, and wondering what it has in store for you. You have reflected on last year – it wasn’t a great one. You are hoping that this year will be better, but hope isn’t going to improve things for you.

If this sounds like you, then there is one thing that you need to take on board – you are the only person who is responsible for changing your life. If you want things to improve, then no matter how much you wish, pray or simply hope, it is up to you plan and take action.

At this time of year there are many people in the same situation. Don’t get to the same time next year and wonder what happened to the past 12 months, again. Take ownership of your life, plan what you want to realistically achieve, and set goals accordingly.Continue reading

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a great Christmas and enjoyed the New Year’s celebrations last night. It’s a special time for feeling the love with family and friends, and I hope you had time to do that over the past couple of weeks.

Of course, a new year usually brings a time to reflect on your life and make resolutions for the year ahead. Indeed, I expect you made some resolutions last night – you will often hear people say they want to lose weight, get fitter, achieve more. All good things, I agree, but for once, I am saying you should NOT set New Year’s Resolutions now. 

That may sound a bit strange, but please bear with me.Continue reading