If you have read my previous post which introduced reflective practice you may be eager to get started. If you haven’t yet read it, then a brief description is that reflective practice is another way of saying that you are able to learn from your experience in a structured way.

Here are some ways to help you get started with reflective practice  and make it a big part of your life and self improvement.

Start a Journal or Personal Blog

Your first step will be to create a place where you can keep your reflective practice work, so you can look back at it at the end of each week or month. A small notebook you can carry anywhere is a good start. You can also create a folder on your computer and create documents or a private blog for your reflective practice.Continue reading

Be Happy

When you look at your life, are you happy that you are making the right choices, for yourself, on how to live. Or do you think that you are missing opportunities to be happy, because you continue to seek approval from others before taking action on anything?

One of the things that holds many people back from the kind of success and happiness they deserve is worrying about what others will think and say. On the one hand, it is important to get support from friends and family, that you are doing something worthwhile.

However, if you find yourself holding back from things you would really like to do because of “What will people think?” it might be time to put your own beliefs first rather than what other people think. You owe it to yourself to be happy, you don’t owe anyone else anything.

In the 1949 Hollywood film “The Fountainhead,” egotistical architect Howard Roark is asked by his competitor, Ellsworth Toohey, “Mr. Roark, we’re alone here. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me in any words you wish?” Howard Roark’s reply is: “But I don’t think of you!” This is a great example of looking after yourself. Why bother to try to keep up with the Joneses when they probably don’t even know you exist?Continue reading

reflective practice

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. I took a weekend off work to recuperate and socialise with some good friends. I say that, I did spend most of Sunday helping my other half on her business, but to me that’s just fun! I love to help her.

Quite often you will come across new terms that you may not have heard before, but once explained they make perfect sense. Reflective practice is a perfect example of this. So just what is reflective practice?

Reflective practice is a modern term for the age-old practice of learning from experience. As the philosopher Plato encouraged centuries ago, “Know thyself.” The knowledge gained can be a series of stepping stones to success in all areas of your life.

In its most basic form, reflective practice is about thinking about what you do after you have done it. As part of the reflecting process, you note:

* What you did
* What happened as a result
* What the outcome was
* Whether you could do things better/differently next timeContinue reading

Are You Living A Lie?

Here’s a quick quiz for you. Answer honestly. Do you feel:

* Like you are constantly hiding behind a mask?
* Worried that others will not like you?
* That if you say no, you are a bad person and will be letting everyone down?
* Trapped in a life that does not seem to be your own?
* Like you are always comparing yourself to others, with them on top and you on the bottom?
* As if you’re finding yourself not good enough, no matter how hard you try?
* Afraid that if your boss, colleagues, spouse or children found out X about you, they would never look at you in the same way again?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then the likely truth is that you are living a lie. But don’t panic, you are not the only one. It is an easy trap to fall into and can be a deep and difficult one to climb out of. But the effort can be well worth it if the result is a happier, healthier you.Continue reading

Let’s face it, we all get upset at times, maybe most days. But there’s a difference between getting upset and being angry, and some people are better at controlling this anger than others.

Part of successful anger management is learning to spot your feelings of anger before you explode and do or say something you will regret. It’s much better than sitting there re-living that moment when you have gone too far and maybe ruining a close friendship.

Strangely enough, not everyone even realises anger is upon them until it is too late. By tracking your anger episodes, you can soon spot the signs and deal with your anger in a more positive way, one that you will not end up regretting.

Learn to Recognize Anger

Before you learn the techniques to manage your emotions, you first need to learn to recognise your anger. There are three main questions you can journal about that should help:Continue reading