How to Use Waiting Time Productively

waiting time

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We all have little pockets of time that we waste, that with a bit of forethought we could use much more productively.

Do you get impatient when you have to wait in a queue at the bank or at the doctor’s surgery when they are (always) running late? Instead of getting frustrated, put that time to good use by planning ahead. As you look over your daily to-do list, identify times that you are likely to have to wait.

Then you can go prepared with an easy to carry project or reading. You can keep something in your car or briefcase that you would enjoy doing while waiting. Perhaps it’s catching up on magazines or business journals. Personally I like to keep an eye on my social media accounts, such as Twitter or Pinterest. A few quick re-tweets or pins makes me look more productive in time that could be wasted.

There are dozen ways to use wait time productively and make the time pass faster – her are 10 suggestions:

  1. Read a motivational book that will change your mindset in ways that will empower you to reach new goals.
  2. Scan the instructions to a building project or hobby project and get the process firmly in mind before you start to cut.
  3. Bring a pile of coupon pages collected from several weeks of newspapers. As you cut out the coupons, place in an envelope or your coupon file.
  4. Plan what you need for a birthday party, barbeque or other social event that you are hosting or coordinating
  5. Carry a small tote bag with knitting, crochet or mending to work on while you wait.
  6. Sketch at random in a small sketchbook that fits in your pocket or purse.
  7. Study for an upcoming test or review material so you help your child study
  8. Download a podcast onto your Mp3 player. Instead of just music, choose a podcast topic that you want to learn about and listen to it with ear-phones
  9. Use your day planner to make a to-do list for next week
  10. Daydream – there’s nothing wrong with zoning out while you wait.

Why depend on finding new magazines or someone interesting to talk with when you are stuck waiting? Bring your own “on hold” activities so that wait time become productive and seems to go by faster.

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